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Voting Green for GP (and I don't mean the Party)

Elections are coming up on the 19th, and I have to say I was completely clueless as to who I would want I power. I'm currently struggling to get some sort of financial aid to help acquire prucalopride, aka Resotran, the one medication thats provided some positive results with my symptoms. My specialist, who I'm very grateful for, is working very hard to appeal the Ministry of Health's rejection of the Exceptional Access form, but it will definitly be a long shot based on the reaction he recieved from them. With this going on, it's definitly caused some fear, for the risk of voting for a party that would deny me aid is very real.

A few weeks back several loved ones and friends convinced me to write a letter detailing my situation and I have to say it provided some very enlightening results. After sending it to the parties, only one contacted me back; the Liberal. Not only is a representative of Bob Chiarelli going to look into the matter once the full appeal is sent in, but I actually met #AnitaVandenbeld l

ast night, who I discovered stops in at Tim Hortons every Wed and converses with those who wish to do so after speaking to campaign workers who came door to door. It was a bit funny because she mentioned that a young woman had apparently asked quite a few questions to these men and I couldn't help but laugh and announce that it was me. She even pointed to where my apartment was to confirm it. :)

Anyhoo, she allowed me to raise the issue of inadequent healthcare to those in need, using my own experience as an example. Things such as services that were once available to the ill are being shutdown one by one and not only myself but many are being denied help in acquiring medication they need to live. It's terrifying to lie awake at night and know the quality of your healthcare is out of your hands, and can be detered by those who couldn't possibly understand what I and many others have been through dealing with Gastroparesis. She accepted my package, a combination of my letter, info on GP as well as my article written by Stacey Roy; I believe she has taken to heart not only my concerns, but the concerns of everyone she's met and will incorporate all of it into an effective strategy to better our country.

I once again stress that the Liberal party was the ONLY one that ever responded so I guess what I'm saying is, I'm pretty sure I know where my vote's going. :P

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